
2 months down, 4 to go

Two months of my shopping ban are officially done! I’ve honestly proven a lot to myself in the last few weeks- at the start of this I’d say that I was optimistic I could do it, but now I really believe that I can. As a reminder here is my approved shopping list: -Essentials: groceries, gas, toiletries -Replacement for something broken or un-useable (only after assessing if it’s really needed) -One book at a time on my Kindle if I’ve finished the last one -One candle at a time, only after I’ve used up all the other candles I already have -Gifts for others Month 2 has gone well, but brought some different challenges. I definitely feel “settled” into the shopping ban. I don’t think about it as much, and now it just feels like it’s a part of my normal life. I’ve also found I’ve become a lot more resourceful with the items I do have. Knowing I need to make what I have work, makes you look at your items with a lot more gratitude. I’ve also continued on my decluttering spree! That’s a

What I learned from my 1st month of a Shopping Ban

  A shopping ban sounds very dramatic doesn’t it? It’s not really. But, I’m one month into this thing and I’m ready to share a little bit about what I’m doing and why. Mostly for accountability, but also knowing that the sharing of our stories can often help others in unexpected ways. The moral of my story is: I’m doing a 6-month shopping ban. I started this a few days before January 1 st , 2021.   I have an approved shopping list of things I can buy, but that’s it. I got the idea after reading The Year of Less by Cait Flanders . Except she did it for a year! Here’s my approved list: -Essentials: groceries, gas, toiletries -Replacement for something broken or un-useable (only after assessing if it’s really needed) -One book at a time on my Kindle if I’ve finished the last one -One candle at a time, only after I’ve used up all the other candles I already have (there’s…a lot of them) -Gifts for others I have many reasons for doing this, but the biggest is to create space in my l